Promoting the international communication of Chinese literature


In general, research on the overseas dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature encompasses both the translation and study of contemporary Chinese literature overseas, as well as research on the overseas dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature by local Chinese scholars.

The former mainly refers to the historical evolution and specific achievements of the overseas translation and research of contemporary Chinese literature, while the latter refers more to the re-examination by domestic scholars of the translation and study of contemporary Chinese literature abroad, focusing on the qualitative assessment and reflection of the overseas dissemination of contemporary literature. This is what is referred to in this article as “research on the communication of contemporary Chinese literature.”

Status quo

The research and development history of the overseas dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature over the past seventy years (1949-2019) can be broadly divided into three categories: historical observation (including overall descriptions and partial in-depth descriptions), quantitative analysis (including data, statistics, index compilation and impact assessment), and qualitative research (including model research, intellectual research, value research and institutional research).

Local research on the communication of contemporary Chinese literature can not only summarize the experience of overseas dissemination of contemporary literature, but also further reflect on the underlying issues behind it.

The common problems of the research on the overseas dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature are mainly reflected in two aspects. On the one hand, the “breadth” of research is insufficiently comprehensive, in that its scope is incomplete.

Furthermore, the level of research is not yet rich enough, lacking in-depth and delicate inquiry. On the other hand, the “depth” of research is also insufficient. The first is its temporal scope. The second is its research depth. The last is its relevance.

Future pathways

Given these common issues in research on the communication of contemporary literature, it may be possible to further expand the research space in the following four aspects.

Firstly, it is suggested to establish a dynamic and hierarchical holistic observation perspective to enrich the current perspectives of the research on the communication of contemporary literature. It is advised to track the different aspects involved in contemporary literature overseas dissemination and its diverse connotations at different levels to analyze and reflect on a wide range of phenomena with a more complete, coherent, and three-dimensional perspective. Specifically, the research focus should center on the perspectives of readers, markets, unofficial recipients, and the world literature.

Secondly, it is advised to strengthen the reflection on contemporary literature research overseas, with the aim of expanding the scope of research, bridging the gap between local and global observations, changing the dominant position of translation research, and paying particular attention to the mutual coordination between overseas translation research and academic research. It is important to clarify that the meaning of communication extends beyond mere language information transformation, and aims to achieve deep understanding, interpretation, and exchanges.

Specifically, there are three key areas for exploration: first, we should comprehensively outline the overall pattern, historical evolution, and contemporary characteristics of overseas contemporary literature research, in order to deepen our understanding of it as a whole. Second, it is suggested to consciously distinguish its dialogical relationship with relevant domestic research to explore the issue of disciplinary establishment based on the awareness of academic community more deeply. Third, we should regard the study of overseas communication of contemporary literature as an effective extension of contemporary Chinese literature.

Thirdly, it is essential to explore and promote bilateral dialogue within the global pattern, with the aim of enriching the content of the research on the communication of contemporary literature. This involves expanding from specific translation research or contemporary literature research into the fields of world literature, cross-cultural research, and comparative cultural research. Not only should more diverse research programs be introduced, but the research framework should be actively improved, taking advantage of the opportunities presented by research on the overseas dissemination of contemporary literature. In this regard, we can focus on observing two sets of dialogical relationships: firstly, the bilateral dialogue between national literature and world literature at the theoretical level; secondly, the relationship between proactive translation from overseas and proactive translation from China at the practical level.

The fourth aspect involves tracing the deep institutional roots underlying the overseas communication of contemporary literature, aiming to deepen the current level of research, from surface phenomenon sorting, problem presentation, and experience summary to reflections on the cultural unconsciousness.

The richness, diversity, and complexity of the overseas dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature precisely demonstrate the increasing vitality of Chinese literature within the dynamic global literary system. It has become an important medium for the Western world to imagine, understand, and comprehend China.

Ji Jin is a professor from the School of Chinese Language and Literature at Soochow University.